Here are some facts about composting but first I am going to tell steps about composting first you take a bucket and put all the things that need to be composted ex:coffe grounds, grass clippings, fruits and vegetables,etc. But make sure not to add meat, bones, dairy products, and anything with butter or oil it will make it smelly and attract animals and you do not want mice do you? I hope not. Then put it in your garden and worms will eat it slowly. The next step you don't just dump the hole bucket put 1 -3 compose able things at a time (day). Finally you do have to make sure that you give your garden lot's of sun and water. Not to much but enough. It is still the same thing but you will have a heathery looking garden. So let's get to the facts did you know that composting is good for the environment. Also it will make less landfills of garbage and more landfills of flowers and nature.